Board of Directors
Corps Connections Organization:
Teresa Grandinetti, MSgt USMC (ret) - Teresa has over 27 years active and reserve service in the Marine Corps. She was formerly a Hometown Link with the Marine For Life Program until she was brought in to help stand up the Marine Corps Wounded Warrior Regiment. Taking on the role of District Injured Support Coordinator for the WWR, she spent over four years working with wounded, ill and injured Marines. She is active in the Dallas/Fort Worth community with Toys For Tots, the Tarrant County Marine Corps League and other local Veterans organizations.
Ed Grandinetti, LtCol USMC (ret) - Ed has over 21 years of active and reserve service in the Marine Corps. He is active in the Dallas/Fort Worth community with DFW Toys For Tots, Tarrant County Marine Corps League and other Veterans charities and organizations.